By Noname - 06/03/2009 19:13 - United States

Today, I found out my four best friends are going to Florida for spring break without me. When asked why I was not invited to go with them the answer I received was, "we don't think you would look very good in a bathing suit, and we want to be able to pick up cute guys on the beach." FML
I agree, your life sucks 69 649
You deserved it 6 433

Same thing different taste

Top comments

thats rough, but theyre obviously not true friends. go find nicer ones!


Yes, they're bitches, and yes they're not your friends. Plus the ugly chick makes the cuter chicks look better by they're also dumb. (Seriously though...they're not your best friends they're douchebags. Find some real friends.)

Supermikee 0

your friends seem like ******. I'd like to meet them. where in Florida are they going?

ashleyza101 0

haha go to florida on the same flight with other friends and hook up with a cute guy to get back at them

IGNORE #25 What bitches! Gather up some friends and go to Florida and meet up with those skanks.

alex_vik 0

Lose weight then. **** I hate fat people who don't think they're fat, and then complain when they're called fat.

So.. you're one of those fat girls always hanging around the hot chicks.. ;)

jc325217 0

do like that one fml and put nair in their shampoo bottle seriously, works wonders.

silentfirefly 0

Pretty shallow friends. @25 You're truly an idiot.

shell_fml 0

i think you need some new friends.