By Noname - 06/03/2009 19:13 - United States

Today, I found out my four best friends are going to Florida for spring break without me. When asked why I was not invited to go with them the answer I received was, "we don't think you would look very good in a bathing suit, and we want to be able to pick up cute guys on the beach." FML
I agree, your life sucks 69 649
You deserved it 6 433

Same thing different taste

Top comments

thats rough, but theyre obviously not true friends. go find nicer ones!


wrestler_fml 0

OK OK OK!!! Im the #25 guy... can I make a few clarifications?? Jesus Christ! I AGREE that her friends are assholes. In fact, theyr'e the biggest assholes ive ever heard of! But look- theres a difference between saying it confidentially online to HELP HER (like I am) and to screw her over like THEY did. I'm just trying to give her some helpful advice! Look, she COULD say "screw them! they're assholes" and she WOULD be right! HOWEVER: There is a time and place in everybody's life that they have to act in THEIR BEST INTERESTS. And I honestly feel that, EVEN THOUGH her friends are complete jerks, SHE STILL LIKES THEM! This is shown by her being sad. and IF she likes them... she MAYBE (just maybe) MIGHT consider losing a tad weight to appease them. It couldn't hurt. and it'll help her in the long run, too! ========================================= Lastly, to the person who posted this, PLEASE (for YOUR sake) consider 2 things: 1) most everyone on here is fat, that's why they get defensive. 2) Most everyone simply wants to make you happy, and feel better. (and sure, that's good and noble- but it doesn't solve any real problems! just pointing that out.) ================ AGAIN, JUST BCUZ I SAID IT MIGHT BE IN "HER BEST INTERESTS" TO LOSE A TINY BIT OF WEIGHT, DOESN'T MEAN THAT HER FRIENDS AREN'T JERKS, OR SHOULD HAVE SAID THAT!!!

King_of_Kings_2 0

#63 not everyone on here is fat. i am 6 feet tall and weigh only 146 LBS. and i have a thin toned muscle body.

skillz3333 4

well are you mad large? cause then you don't have feelings

lonelyatmind 0

Alright I don't know about how all girls minds work, but if I know someone is worse looking than I am I would want them to go to make me look good. To sound harsh. Therefore, maybe these girls think you would steal the attention from them. Perhaps they are jealous!

King_of_Kings_2 0
ams_fml 0

Those people aren't your friends. You surely deserve better. They are shallow and you are better off without them in your life.

so... your friends are hoes. cool. :D sorry about that, but... go find new ones.

I have a fix. Its easy, simple and effective. All you need is a little bit of will power. Unfortunately thats distinctly lacking in most sorts of women. I hope you do not fall into this category and blossom into something extraordinary. To be honest, I do not expect you to be able to fulfill my basic request, even though it really couldn't be more simple. You can always opt toward my latter solution I'll present, which I probably expect. 1. Hit the damn treadmill and quit yer' bitchin'. 2. Become a lesbian. I've already mailed you your first strap on. Have fun!

That's what you get when you have skanky mcskank for friends.