Bad day

By it hurts!! - 29/05/2023 21:00 - United States

Today, I double checked with the barista to make sure my latte had soy milk. After a few sips, I could tell it wasn’t but it was too late. I’m so sensitive to dairy, I spent the rest of my work day trying to stifle the gut busting cramps and noxious fumes. I had a meeting I couldn’t reschedule. FML
I agree, your life sucks 907
You deserved it 163

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I hope you went back and talked with someone about this incident (note: talked, not yelled). Hopefully it was just an accident/oversight, in which case said barist needs to be told to be more careful, alternatively re-trained if they're one of those "milk is milk why does it matter" types.


I hope you went back and talked with someone about this incident (note: talked, not yelled). Hopefully it was just an accident/oversight, in which case said barist needs to be told to be more careful, alternatively re-trained if they're one of those "milk is milk why does it matter" types.