By Nearly blind - 07/10/2018 17:30

Today, I forgot my contact solution and used my sister's. When I put them in, my eyes burnt like hell. Apparently my sister has a new solution that is acidic and only gets neutralized after 12 hours in a special container. The warning is on the INSIDE of the bottle label. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 928
You deserved it 613

Same thing different taste

Top comments

This is why you don’t use your sister’s things without asking her about it first. This applies to medications, cars, boyfriends, ...

All of those have MANY labels on the bottle and on the packaging it comes in saying not to put directly into your eye. They also have a red cap which means not to put it in your eye. YDI


tr3yr 13

I’ve done this myself before. I know exactly what you’re talking about! Wanted to take my eyeballs out. 😩😭

All of those have MANY labels on the bottle and on the packaging it comes in saying not to put directly into your eye. They also have a red cap which means not to put it in your eye. YDI

Oh god, it happened to me too. I was living in Japan at the time so I wasn't familiar with the brands and most pharmacies there are more like little supermarkets with a cashier who doesn't know much about the products they are selling. I didn't look closely enough at the thing before using it because I didn't know that kind of product even existed. It hurt so much I thought I was going to go blind and my eye weeped pus for a day or so. I had no long-term problems, though, so you should be alright.

So glad I don't need contacts I'd end up with vodka or bleach in my eyes

This is why you don’t use your sister’s things without asking her about it first. This applies to medications, cars, boyfriends, ...

bluhbluhbluh 14

Even boyfriends?? hmm.. that seems a bit extreme.

RoadRunnerZ 13

Guess you didn't see that happening. I'm so sorry. I couldn't resist.

Acidic solution neutralizes eyes, that's very basic.

ohsnapword 21

Ok, here's how you get her back. Replace her toothpaste with Icy Hot.

SaltyLurker 10

It happens to the best. My name is SaltyLurker, and I've put this insane corrosive stuff in my eyes by accident.