By Anonymous - 09/02/2011 05:19 - Australia

Today, I finally found out whether or not my boyfriend is cheating on me. Turns out he isn't. He is cheating on his wife, with me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 52 215
You deserved it 6 444

Same thing different taste

Top comments

he's still a cheater than however you want to phrase it what an asshole

Graawr 7


trust me...I know how you feel!! he doesn't deserve you at all

lazer_keyboard 0

in the words of Scott Pilgrim "you weren't wronged "

@#47 No, a homewrecker KNOWS a guy is married and has an affair with him anyway. The only person wrecking this guy's home is him.

That's a tough break. The thing I'm confused about is, you are refering to him as your boyfriend. Are you still seeing him, even though you thought he was cheating on you, and you now know he is married? If you are still seeing him, you really should break it off. Don't be the 'homewreaker' in this situation. Even though you weren't aware of his marital status when you started dating, his wife will most likely blame you if she finds out. Hopefully though, you were smart and broke it off as soon as you found out.

Use the force on his wife to make her forget about kicking your ass if she ever finds out.

Exactly what I thought. Now she doesn't have to worry...

notsoluckypup 12

He's gonna be a double-dumped playa. FTW

That's awful. I hope his wife takes him for everything he's got. As for you, I hope that you have better luck in the future.