By Robert Herrin - 31/10/2018 13:30

Today, being the man of the house, I decided to work on the car. Long story short, there's a towel in my transmission. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 330
You deserved it 2 274

Same thing different taste

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Hi. We men aren't genetically hardwired to know how to fix cars. So I have to ask; did you try to fix it based on the fact that you're a man? Or do you know what you're doing, and you just bungled it this time?

So did you work on the car because you’re the man of the house? Or did you know what you were doing? If you don’t know what you’re doing you shouldn’t touch the transmission except to check fluids, because it’s very complicated. (I’m a mechanic and there are some things where you need to know what you’re doing, and others where you can figure it out. Transmissions fall in the first category)


Hi. We men aren't genetically hardwired to know how to fix cars. So I have to ask; did you try to fix it based on the fact that you're a man? Or do you know what you're doing, and you just bungled it this time?

Many years ago, I once bought a used car from a small time dealership. For a year it ran fine with no issues, fluids checked regularly, etc. However, a little more than a year post-purchase, the car started having trouble. When I took it to a mechanic shop after I couldn’t figure out what exactly was going on, it was revealed that the entire interior of the transmission was duct taped, and the gears literally fused together. The mechanic and I think the previous owner never checked the transmission fluid, let it get bone dry to cause the gears to fuse together, then in a panic duct taped random parts, filled it up with transmission fluid and sold it to the same dealership I had bought it from a year prior. My lesson learned was not to buy cars from small time and potentially shady dealerships.

So did you work on the car because you’re the man of the house? Or did you know what you were doing? If you don’t know what you’re doing you shouldn’t touch the transmission except to check fluids, because it’s very complicated. (I’m a mechanic and there are some things where you need to know what you’re doing, and others where you can figure it out. Transmissions fall in the first category)

Opening up a transmission requires lifting the car high enough to drop out the transmission and something to support the very heavy transmission case. So you’re not knowledgeable in auto repair but you have borderline professional auto repair equipment set up in your garage?

If you did it without knowing because of some stupid macho bullshit in your head then you derserve it.

Tell us the rest Robert! Was the towel there already, the source of the problem? Or did you get it stuck in there during your efforts? In either case, how/why!?!? Towels and transmissions don't tend to interact or even be in the same room!

IrieStorm 9

How did that happen? Just based on the miniscule amount of info you gave us, I'm gonna have to say YDI.