By wellthen - 24/08/2015 21:56 - United States

Today, I expressed my feelings to a guy I've liked for a long time. He basically turned me down because I have the same name as his mom, and dating me would be too weird. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 577
You deserved it 2 154

Same thing different taste

Top comments

He has a point..imagine him calling your name out in bed.

SweetSociopathy 24

I don't see why it would be weird, unless he calls his mom by her first name.


That's stupid - it's not like he calls his mom by her first name (I assume). Although I can imagine his friends teasing him about it.

sarcasticjane 27

From a psychological point of view, it could be very uncomfortable for him. Yes, he probably does not call his mother by her first name, but imagine going to a family gathering with him and his aunt saying something like "Sandi (mother), can you pass the peas? So Sandy (you), are you and Richard thinking of having kids anytime soon?" The brain, especially when overthinking, can create some really messed up images. If you have liked him for a long time and didn't know about his mother's name being the same as yours, it's one thing, but it seems that you are more hurt about the rejection. It's a natural part of human nature-to be rejected and to be hurt by rejection. Better luck next time.

The right guy will come along one of these days. Don't worry. :)

My brother and boyfriend have the same name. Works perfectly fine! My family and close friends call my boyfriend by his last name when it gets too complicated. On the other side, when I need them both I only have to say one name ;)

PrincessPan 17

I feel like that's reasonable. Like my dad won't date anyone that has the same name as my sister and me.

My mother has the same name as my crush

i dated a guy who was 7yrs older than me and he dumped me because I reminded him too much of his little sister who was the same age as me, and shared my name. you have to admit that's weird.

Totally understandable from his part. Ydi

She deserves to be rejected and feel bad because she happens to have the same name as his mother? If he doesn't want to date her that's his decision, but I wouldn't say that OP deserves it

I'm dating a guy with the same name as my father.... It's not too bad