By Anonymous - 02/08/2016 14:42 - Germany - Berlin

Today, I excitedly told my brother I submitted a short story for a competition for the first time ever. His reply? "Congrats. I guess the first letter of rejection is a special occasion." Gee, thanks for that reality check. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 423
You deserved it 1 230

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Don't let your brothers negativity get to you, I wish you the best with your story.

Your brother sounds like an asshole. Good luck OP and I hope you win.


Don't let your brothers negativity get to you, I wish you the best with your story.

Your brother sounds like an asshole. Good luck OP and I hope you win.

Let lack of support be your fuel. Prove him wrong OP!:)

Sounds like your brother was joking. Don't be sad op, I'm sure your story is good

As a novelist myself... that's sadly true. Stay in the craft, work hard, but know that rejection happens to some of the best writers and the most awesome short stories I've read *most* of the time, regardless of how good they are. Best of luck!

This comment reminds me of the FML a little while ago of an artist who lost a contest to a blank canvas.

jcash52426 5

If your brother read your story then he is entitled to his opinion. But he could have at least said it in a nicer way. If he didn't read your short story then tell him to eff off.

Mathalamus 24

he isn't wrong, im pretty sure the failure rate is fairly high.

JMichael 25

Don't take it to heart and believe you'll do great. Good luck on the competition.

Eh don't let em get you down. Lol, I applied to 2 colleges knowing dam well they'd politely decline me after seeing my hs gpa. lmfao

So what has so-called brother done to brag about?