By Chelstable - 02/08/2016 17:57

Today, I woke up with the worst headache of my life. I didn't get it from drinking, but rather from puking 6 times off the side of a fishing boat. Fishing was the one thing my husband wanted to do while on vacation, even though I'm 3 months pregnant and have a bad stomach. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 710
You deserved it 1 495

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Where was the vacation spot? Could you not hang out somewhere else while he went fishing? That's what my mom always did, my dad would go fishing on a boat, and she would hang out on the beach, or do her own type if excursion, like shopping or sight seeing.

I'm so sorry, that time in pregnancy is so unpredictable and gross. Hopefully you'll start to feel better soon.


No one really forced you to go did they? If you knew you were gonna be sick just decline and stay home but if it was unexpected then FYL.

She was on vacation with her husband. Should she have found something else to do while he screwed around fishing all day? He could have taken her sensitive stomach into consideration and found something else to do.


I'm inclined to disagree, Im assuming that they both helped pay for this vacation. So if I paid money that I worked hard for, and the ONLY thing I wanted to do on this vacation was go fishing, then there should be no reason I couldn't go. She wasn't forced to attend, and he most certainly would've enjoyed it more had she not. I'm assuming they are vacationing off a coast somewhere, and he wanted to deep sea fish. If so, then she could have laid out on the beach, went swimming in the ocean or pool, looked in to snorkelling, check out the aquarium in the city, catch cool ass Pokemon (I did that in Florida), go to a museum, go for a walk, literally ANYTHING else besides go on the boat. Not only is she probably making him feel like a POS for not think of HER on THEIR vacation, he probably didn't even enjoy his trip as much as he had hoped because she was there making him feel bad. If you KNOW you get sick easily then why do that? I know I'm coming off like a bitch but I see this all the time. A woman wants to do EVERYTHING together and by everything she means only the stuff she likes. I get that this woman is pregnant but nobody forced her to go out on the boat, and yes her husband deserves to enjoy something on their vacation other than the grating sound of her voice complaining.

Yeah, also take into consideration that the husband probably really enjoys fishing and probably won't be able to spend a lot of time doing it after the kid is born. Kids take up a lot of time and kill a lot of hobbies, and fishing is usually a whole day ordeal.

I'm so sorry, that time in pregnancy is so unpredictable and gross. Hopefully you'll start to feel better soon.

Where was the vacation spot? Could you not hang out somewhere else while he went fishing? That's what my mom always did, my dad would go fishing on a boat, and she would hang out on the beach, or do her own type if excursion, like shopping or sight seeing.

sylvienoir 18

When I'm on vacation with my boyfriend we like to experience everything together and figure everything out together. I think it's more fulfilling.

youdon'tknowme 9

She sounded very fulfilled. ;) There are times it's ok to be your separate person. .. i want to go sky diving. My husband is terrified. I would never dream of making him go nor would he make me miss out just because he didn't want to.

I prefer spending all the time with my boyfriend too when we're on vacation. However, we enjoy all the same activities. If you don't enjoy an activity, especially if it has the potential to make you ill, why do it? It's just this 1 activity where you're not spending time together, I think you can go 1 or 2 hours without each other.

Lizzy500 16

Dehydrated and electrolyte imbalance, just like a regular hangover.

I'm a male but I can recommend drinking lots of water, ginger ale will also help your stomach. Also try cutting lemons open and smelling them (sounds weird, but scientifically helps with nausea)! Hope this helps you in the future, OP. Good luck

7, that's true, and has helped me on a 3 hour car trip. I didn't eben have actual lemons, just lemon-ish soap. (staying in a condo is awesome BTW)

ezrajab 22

Ouch! That sucks op if he wanted to go soo badly he should've gone by himeself I hope you took Dramamine pregnant or not!

Look at it this way, at least you fed the fishies.

Way to ruin a once in a lifetime trip for your husband.

Once in a lifetime how? There are tons of places where you can fish. It's not like seeing some rare event or even doing something that you can only do in a few places. It's fishing. People do it all over and do it all the time. What are you talking about? And he chose it anyway.

She's a pregnant woman who was trying to do an activity her husband enjoyed while on vacation. She was trying to be nice, it just happened that her pregnancy symptoms got the better of her. It isn't like she can control her sickness, what was she supposed to do, hold it? Don't be a dick.

it very well could have been a once in a lifetime fishing trip. not all fishing is the same. ignorant.

Since you're 3 months pregnant, I'm sure glad you didn't get your headache from drinking.