A nightmare

By charapos - 05/11/2021 08:00

Today, at 4.20 a.m., I'm awake, scrolling through this app for no reason other than to procrastinate going to sleep and having to deal with yet more inevitable nightmares and weird dreams. FML
I agree, your life sucks 909
You deserved it 184

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sounds like you're just stuffing your brain with more material for nightmares and weird dreams.

I think that usually dreams mean nothing at all. But sometimes it’s a message from your subconscious telling you that something in your life is out of whack. Sometimes dreams use odd imagery to convey a feeling. The most disturbing dreams I had was about being dead and trying not to let anyone know I was dead. That one repeated in various forms over a few years. Eventually I came to the realization that my marriage was not working and I wanted out but was hanging on to vows and promises I had made years before. It was not that dream that made me realize that, but then having come to that conclusion I realized that was the message behind that dream. If you are repeatedly having disturbing dreams, I suggest you see a psychologist or counselor. I do not recommend sleep medication because some of them like Ambien have some really odd and bad side effects that build up after a time.


Sounds like you're just stuffing your brain with more material for nightmares and weird dreams.

I think that usually dreams mean nothing at all. But sometimes it’s a message from your subconscious telling you that something in your life is out of whack. Sometimes dreams use odd imagery to convey a feeling. The most disturbing dreams I had was about being dead and trying not to let anyone know I was dead. That one repeated in various forms over a few years. Eventually I came to the realization that my marriage was not working and I wanted out but was hanging on to vows and promises I had made years before. It was not that dream that made me realize that, but then having come to that conclusion I realized that was the message behind that dream. If you are repeatedly having disturbing dreams, I suggest you see a psychologist or counselor. I do not recommend sleep medication because some of them like Ambien have some really odd and bad side effects that build up after a time.