By rosesareyellow - 30/07/2010 04:40 - United States

Today, I dropped my phone in water, and my friends told me to put it in rice to draw out the water. They put my phone in riceroni. My phone now smells like chicken and has rice seasoning stuck all over it. Needless to say it still doesn't work. FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 054
You deserved it 33 472

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Hey. You got one of the new Ismell's. :-P Anyway, it's dry rice you have to use dumbass. And you have to leave it in there for a day or 2. Either that or A. be more careful or B. Get some phone insurance if it's something expensive.


SimplyAlly123 0

I dropped my phone in the water 3 times, all you needed to do was take out the battery and blow dry it and leave it alone for a day. then just pop the battery back in the next day and it works again:)

you shud have put some salt all over it !!! (you can resurrect drown flies this way ... so I've been told ^_^")

it's true! I've done it! I'm bein dead serious. no sarcasm. lol.

Elenachka 0

lol I did it too with a bee we found in my dogs water bowl. we buried it In a pile of salt, gave up, then were smoking nearby the next day and it crawled out and flew away. crazy shit

the seasoning comes in a separate packet, which you aren't supposed to use until the rice is in water. did they put it in WET/cooked rice? because that defeats the entire point. and even if they knew this, why would they add the seasoning? your friends are idiots, get new ones.

YDI for having a phone. YDI for having water. YDI for having friends. YDI for having Rice-A-Roni. YDI for saying "needless to say" and then saying what wasn't needed.

dude, you don't put the flavoring until after you cook the rice on rice a roni, you are supposed to put your phone in dry uncooked rice. fail.

haha i hear there making a website to replace any dumbass friends

ymmot_45 0

down the hatch. at least it's seasoned proporaly.

The method of drying isn't that important. What's more important is that you completely disconnect a battery. So if it was an iPhone you're pretty much SOL. Water does not damage electronic components, with the exception of rust, as long as there is no power. The damage occurs when the water causes circuits to short, which requires power. Ironically water is actually one of the best cooling mechanisms for electronics when done correctly.

Seti_fml 0

ummm You're not supposed to cook the rice you put your phone in. I thought that was obvious OP.