Kitchen nightmares

By Anonymous - 19/09/2021 00:30 - Australia - Mypolonga

Today, I dropped my phone in the frying pan whilst cooking my steak. I had to rinse off the oil immediately and clean the phone, then had to eat a cold steak. FML
I agree, your life sucks 287
You deserved it 1 031

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Are you that addicted to the phone that you can’t put it down to even cook?

if you're playing with fire, your gonna get burned. Seriously though, if you're cooking, keep the eyes on the kitchen and not anything else.


Are you that addicted to the phone that you can’t put it down to even cook?

if you're playing with fire, your gonna get burned. Seriously though, if you're cooking, keep the eyes on the kitchen and not anything else.

Beef and Apple don't really pair well together. A cook paying attention to what they were preparing would know that.

hopejm 5

you could have put your steak back on the pan for a min..........