By thanxguys - 17/03/2010 19:03 - United States

Today, I discovered that when my parents offered to help me pay for college, what they really meant is they would get the forms for me to apply for student loans. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 591
You deserved it 4 783

Same thing different taste

Top comments

To everyone saying get over it.... I will be seventeen when I start college. What kind of job can you get to pay for college when you're seventeen with no college education? See here's the thing, to pay you need a good job, and to get a good job you need college... OP: If your parents can't even afford to help pay, then that's a completely different story, but if they're rich and just don't feel like contributing at ALL, then FYL.

I call this a moment of misscommunication. When you offer to help pay for something it means you'll contribute some actual money to things. Like may be buying books. It also said that they OFFERED. She did not ASK them to. So, it's not her fault to expect that they give her money for certain things. I know when my children go to college I'll expect them to get a part time job, but I'd also HELP them pay for certain things. So, FYL for the fact your parents couldn't be clear on what they meant.


PsychoMerk 0

it sucks regardless because OP might have relied somewhat on parents to help with maybe ever books :| ANY amount of money helps when it comes to college :0

Your parents have offered to help with the forms, believe me, that is a BIG help if you've never completed forms like that before. I have £13000+ of debts, even with my parents helping me now and then. They could wipe those debts outright tomorrow if they wanted to, but do I want them to? Hell no. They love me, they won't let me starve or go homeless, but if they keep me a baby, then when they die I'll have nothing.

XxKeLs3yxX 0

well what did you think they meant!?! ohh you thought they were going to pay for college for you. Well think again, we're in a recession girl!

epoh_fml 0

Wow..FYL. It's one thing if your parents promised/said they'd help. I don't think it's fair to call the OP a spoiled brat. Kinda a shocker when someone offers something BIG and then backs out ><. *Sigh* Why can't people be upfront about these things.

vballgirl512 0

does anyone else like to comment just so you can see how people will react? its normally the opposite of what i think will happen haha

vballgirl, not to be snide or anything, but I think that's why everyone comments. It wouldn't be much fun here on the FML comments if nobody saw your take on things. Then again, there are those who take it to the extreme, saying ridiculously offensive and unnecessary things for no other reason than to elicit a huge outcry. Out of curiousity, does anyone know why they're called "trolls?"

vballgirl512 0

Yeah that's what I'm saying! I like to hear what other people have to say. It's just always the opposite of what I think people will say, and that's why it's entertaining.

Success is the best revenge..**** **** **** you. you know your bullshit. **** **** **** you. you know your a total bitch. just fuuuucckk you.

get over it.... it's your education, not theirs. ydi