By skyhigh - 13/01/2011 05:48 - United States

Today, I discovered my parents have spent my college fund because "2012 will happen" before I graduate. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 737
You deserved it 3 314

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Just remember, you get to pick their nursing home.

pay them back by burning their cars to ashes, "2012 will happen soon, we need too save money on gas so I can go to college."


RedPillSucks 31

OP, are your parents members of the "Heavens Gate" cult who "missed" the last spaceship that came to collect the members? Tell them there'll be another one in 2012. When they kill themselves, use the inheritance to go to college.

sallen0046 4

So your parents decided to spend money that they had saved instead of giving it to you? In case you hadn't noticed, America was in a recession, and while experts say it's over most families still barely have enough money to get by month to month. Almost no one has a "college fund" anymore. It's not a life-******* situation. There are still scholarships, grants, and loans. Working your way through college is not at all uncommon, nor is spending two years at a community college to bring down costs. These days, a degree is just a degree - it really doesn't matter where it comes from, and it doesn't guarantee you anything. Your parents reasoning is irrelevant. It was their money, and even if you've been contributing to the "fund", it's still their money if you're under 18. It's time to grow up and start learning how to get by without relying completely on your parents.

EvilDave 13

#71, no dumbass, the OP's parents did not spend the money because the U.S. is in a recession. The OP's parents spent the money because they believe civilization will in 2012 because some idiot misinterpreted some Mayan ruins. They spent the college fund because they believe that the world is going to end when the Mayan calendar runs out which is something even the Mayans don't believe.

sallen0046 4

I reiterate - "Your parents reasoning is irrelevant. It was their money, and even if you've been contributing to the "fund", it's still their money if you're under 18."

154 - I suppose so, but if OP contributed, the amount they contributed would be theirs and not the parents'.

Tell your parents they're idiots. whatever was supposed to happen, already happened in the '50's. They proved that those calendars don't calculate in the leap years. Sorry to disappoint you doomsayers. You're all idiots.

GangstaGalahleio 0

I guess you'll be paying. scholarships are the best way to go for you. sorry that happened.

reddwarf_fml 0

.......who put the money in there?

you're lucky you even had a college fund to begin with. be like the rest of us who don't have money and apply for scholarships and loans to pay for your school instead of bitching about it. a college fund isn't a RIGHT, its a privilege... a gift. get off your ass and pay for your own education you spoiled brat!

I can feel the anger in your posts. Take a chill pill

Do you mind taking some Midol? No one wants to experience your PMS. Thank you kindly. P.S. If it's a gift, they shouldn't be taking it back. If the kid screws up and spends it all in the first year, guess who NOW has to go look for a job? That guy!

*cough* I bet 79 is on her period *cough*

beatlesfreak 0

Lol, you sound like one bitter bitch.

relax #79. maybe they had promised that they would pay which is why op never saved because they wanted their child to have a good start! i reckon shes just pissed off not because they spent the money but for the REASON they spent it. if it was for life saving surgery im sure she wouldnt have minded but something as ridiculous as the world ending is such a selfish thing for the PARENTS to do. go get a life

Your parents probably didnt have much money to give you considering they're retarded

that made me laugh. execuse me laughing. haha

I'm not going to lie 94, you are pretty cute (: