By Anonymous - 24/10/2017 06:00

Today, I had a few drinks with a female friend after having a bad week. I got so wasted that I wound up ending the night by giving my boyfriend a rimjob. He thoroughly enjoyed it and thinks it's going to be a regular thing now. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 576
You deserved it 7 157

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Most things people do while drunk are something they have thought about but have some apprehension doing. It very well could be a new thing lol.

the drinking or the rim job is going to be a regular thing?


the drinking or the rim job is going to be a regular thing?

Can't have one without the other, it seems!

Most things people do while drunk are something they have thought about but have some apprehension doing. It very well could be a new thing lol.

I guess you win the “Who Had a Worse Week” contest. A long future of literal ass-licking has to be worse than any of her petty complaints!

Rectum? Damn near killed 'um! Just remember, once you get past the smell, you'll have it licked.

Explain that’s not so before he can get too convinced it’s the new normal.

I always thought rim job was another way of saying head job. I suddenly understand a lot of confusion from my teenage years.

Just Some Dood 6
PenguinPal3017 19

It's where you repeatedly smash your head against their ass.

Lobby_Bee 17

That's what happen when you introduce something new to the menu.

Notmymonkeysnotmycircus 16

... as long as you don't blame any of your subsequent E. Coli infections on some innocent restaurant.

' cause seriously: that's disgusting.