By ohseven6421 - 03/09/2010 04:13 - United States

Today, I decided to drive my mothers Bentley. She is out of town and told me not to go near the car. Being 17, I didn't listen. As I was backing out the driveway, I was hit by an SUV, seriously damaging my moms car. Who was driving the SUV? My mom, coming home early. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 100
You deserved it 79 027

Same thing different taste

Top comments

_mystique_ 0

You deserved it, doesn't matter if you're 17 driving a Bentley which isn't even yours is retarded regardless.


TashaLenaKitty 0

YDI,For being dumb and not listening to your mother...Good job!

Bsane 0

Lol FYL op this is bad and good, I mean it sucks and all that you had an accident with your mom car with another car but on the other hand luck that you hit your mom and not a stranger who would call 5.0, sue for damages, and contact your insurance carrier.

KaPeSh87 0

YDI... You are a complete C U Next Tuesday. A Bentley is worth nearly $200,000, which I would declare is worth more than your life. I sincerely hope your parents force you to pay for everything else for the entirety of your life (college, food, clothes, car, insurance, rent, etc) to make up the difference.

Sounds like bad driving runs in the family. Still, YDI for not respecting others' belongings. And your mom deserves it for driving too fast.

moon21_fml 0

glad to know there are stupider teens...

Mom?? Wtf are you doing on my MML account?

I meant FML lol i fail :( **** ANTI FLOOD