By ohseven6421 - 03/09/2010 04:13 - United States

Today, I decided to drive my mothers Bentley. She is out of town and told me not to go near the car. Being 17, I didn't listen. As I was backing out the driveway, I was hit by an SUV, seriously damaging my moms car. Who was driving the SUV? My mom, coming home early. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 100
You deserved it 79 027

Same thing different taste

Top comments

_mystique_ 0

You deserved it, doesn't matter if you're 17 driving a Bentley which isn't even yours is retarded regardless.


MetalFish 0

YDI for driving a British car. That's for us Brits to drive, go back to your gas-guzzling, planet-rotting cars!

Your age is no excuse for irresponsibility.

Agreed. Just because you're a teenager doesn't make you an idiot. It's people like the OP that help promote that stereotype.

Shaggy_92 5

bahahahahahaha Y-D-I for being a dumbass

dug44 0

YEAH, FYL.... sounds like your mom's loaded.... poor baby....

duuuuuuuuummmm biiiiitch you totally deserve for being ignorant

Macadamia_fml 0

Your mom's fault for trusting an asshole, you.

I would love to smack u right now! I hate teenagers...they think know everything but they don't know shit!

dude that sucks so bad at least it was her fault