By Courtney - 28/06/2011 02:10 - United States

Today, I couldn't figure out what was worse: accidentally dropping my car keys into the bottom of a filthy park lake, or getting a fishhook through my toenail in an attempt to retrieve them. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 896
You deserved it 5 114

Same thing different taste

Top comments

cudi504 4

definitely the fish hook through the toenail *shudder*


brenda83002 2

you deserved it because your toenails should not be that long, eewwww lol

go to the hospital if it's stillthere instead of being on FML, silly:)

FMLsOhilarious 6

Well if you hadn't dropped them in there in the first place then you wouldn't have gotten the fish hook on your toenail so...I'd say you dropping them is worse.

Umm fishhook is worse since you can get an infection. . .

How does something go through your toenail?

katieklein 0

the toe nail sounds gross..

NYBellz 0