By Pregnant - 14/04/2011 18:28 - United States

Today, I confronted my husband about him being unfaithful. He said his reasons were because he's just not attracted to me anymore and my current weight repulses him. I'm six months pregnant with his child. FML
I agree, your life sucks 64 202
You deserved it 4 536

Same thing different taste

Top comments

choirnerd9 0

Even if he is no longer attracted to you, you ARE his wife. Unless you two agreed on taking out the part of the vows that include being faithful, he is an ass.

ellopoppet 0

I'm so sorry =| he's a prick, you have your child to look out for, ignore his dumbass and do what you have to do! good luck w| everything.


Capt_Oblivious 10

Kick him in the dick and tell him that you're repulsed by it's inability to stay in his pants.

What a prick. Remove his balls and shove them up his ass.

:0( that's so sad.... I'm so sorry.... you should really leave that behind you.... I bet you're an amazing person that doesn't need to be treated like that

so what? doesn't mean you need to gain 100 pounds lols. when I was preggers I ate healthy and was tiny.

ReynshineCutting 10

Well then you're blessed with a fast metabolism. Some people no matter what end up gaining. My sister in law was assize 2 before she got pregnant, and a health nut. Throughout both pregnancies she ate healthy and worked out. She gained about 35 with the first, and 40 with the second. Women's bodies react differently.

Not everybody is as healthy. Ever heard of bed rest? Some women are forced to do that to ensure the health of their baby. Which in turn greatly hinders them from exercising. You're being judgmental and making yourself sound ignorant. I gained thirty pounds with my daughter and 57 with my son. I am by no means a rail, but I'm not over weight either. Way to kick OP when she's down already though.

Who said anything about her gainim that much weight? Maybe she does eat healthy and exercise. Everyone gains weight during pregnancy. Weight gain is healthy. I gained almost 60lbs wth my doctor and I worked out every day.

98- Good for you. But who gives a shit? Here's a Twinkie for you, you anorexic bitch.

ohh my goodness I gained 70 pounds whire I was preggo my baby was 10 of those pounds. and my boobs and ass where the rest so it was a win.

You are... what's that word? Oh yeah! STUPID. Moron. Because every woman is the same... Right? No one cares about you being tiny. This fml isn't about you. Nor is there any excuse for downing someone based on weight. Go trip on a treadmill.

monnanon 13

@98 Did you ever think that maybe it was the way the baby was sitting that made her look big. Some people get no bump, I didn't have one til my 8th month but my friend looked like she had smuggled a beach ball since her 3rd month. She could be carrying a large baby or have a lot of amniotic fluid. Don't be so judgemental. Even if those reasons do not apply OP is in her 6th month, give her a break, she's bound to be showing a little by now. Some people cannot help but gain weight while they are pregnant and pregancy is a time when you should not be ignoring cravings or trying to lose weight you will do yourself and the baby harm otherwise.

wow just stay with him until you have the baby find a nice place To live maybe get a stable job and divorce him

ideasrule 13

Can you change the fact that you're straight and consciously become lesbian? If not, why would you think he can control whether he's attracted to you? Sexual preferences are not something that anyone can consciously control. I believe in sexual freedom. There's nothing wrong with the fact that your husband is no longer attracted to you--that's a very typical occurrence, since human sexuality is highly variable.

ReynshineCutting 10

That does not give him the right to cheat on her though.

There are so many things wrong with this comment. *Rolls up sleeves and gets started* ok, first, he got her pregnant. let's just get that out there. Second, Can she consciously make herself not pregnant because she has decided that she isn't game for three more months of moods swings, pain, frequent bathroom visits, doctors visit (as those progress they start sticking fingers in you, not comfortable), gaining weight, carrying that weight, all the while moving towards a deadline that promises pain, if they can't get the epidural in you in time or you don't want one? Oh she can't can she? Even if apart of her really wants to because her pregnant body repulsed her husband. She has to live with the consequences of her actions, but he is allowed a pass because he isn't attracted to her weight. Women should all just consciously decide we are lesbians rather than deal with this dumb ass shit.

monnanon 13

If he is having a child with her after marriage it is safe to assume that they have been together long enough for their attraction to be more than physical. He should love her enough not to cheat on her especially when she is putting her body through hell carrying his child. To cheat on her due to baby wieght when the baby isn't even born yet is crazy. He is making excuses for being no better than a jack rabbit and tbh there is no excuse for cheating ever.

hcovballer247 0

well does he know that you're pregnant because if he doesn't then you should probably tell him that.. just sayin

thisssgurl 0

does he know you're pregnant? he's pretty stupid.