By Pregnant - 14/04/2011 18:28 - United States

Today, I confronted my husband about him being unfaithful. He said his reasons were because he's just not attracted to me anymore and my current weight repulses him. I'm six months pregnant with his child. FML
I agree, your life sucks 64 202
You deserved it 4 536

Same thing different taste

Top comments

choirnerd9 0

Even if he is no longer attracted to you, you ARE his wife. Unless you two agreed on taking out the part of the vows that include being faithful, he is an ass.

ellopoppet 0

I'm so sorry =| he's a prick, you have your child to look out for, ignore his dumbass and do what you have to do! good luck w| everything.


hisHoneyBunny 0

what a douche!! you're a strong independent woman! leave that ungrateful prick and show him that you don't need him when you already have been blessed with the best gift!!

Bummer you spread your legs to a asshole. Next time just blow him! Yep I'm a problem solver baby!

loudema 5
vlcardenx3 0

These type of idiots that think like this is the reason why divorce rate is so high. btw, ^^^^^you're a filthy gold digger

bamafanatic82 0

that's messed up. I smell a divorce in the air. I would...........

abceasyas123abc 12

It seems to me that's exactly what he's gunning for..

shelby352 0

leave him and get child support from his ass !!! peice of shit . you deserve better :(

get a freaking divorce to someone who appreciate you! he's an ass!!!!