By Vomit - 17/12/2018 05:00

Today, we had a patient projectile vomiting in our ambulance. I didn't know she had puked on our cot until I found it with my bare hand at the hospital. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 376
You deserved it 203

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Nature of the beast. Although, if that's the worst thing that's happened to you since you became an EMT, you ain't seen nothin', yet.

EMS once rolled a patient into the ED who managed to projectile vomit past the mask they had on her. The mask made it worse since is sprayed in every direction, and that was not even the worst part. The worst part was that most of it landed onto the paramedic in front of her (head to toe) and the patient was diagnosed with meningitis.


Nature of the beast. Although, if that's the worst thing that's happened to you since you became an EMT, you ain't seen nothin', yet.

EMS once rolled a patient into the ED who managed to projectile vomit past the mask they had on her. The mask made it worse since is sprayed in every direction, and that was not even the worst part. The worst part was that most of it landed onto the paramedic in front of her (head to toe) and the patient was diagnosed with meningitis.

And why weren’t you wearing gloves until the cot was sanitized? YDI

Peaches1914 13

Weren’t you wearing gloves?