By DaveAlmighty - 02/07/2009 07:22 - United States

Today, I caught some perverts sitting in a car in front of my house, spying on my neighbors. When they refused to leave, I grabbed a baseball bat and they sped off in a hurry. Later, those same perverts came back to arrest my neighbors for drug trafficking. I had threatened cops. FML
I agree, your life sucks 54 210
You deserved it 12 323

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You had no way of knowing if they were doing their job right. FYL

kath91 0

You weren't to know, if they were sitting in front of your house they deserved it.


Rach012 0

sucks for you! you must really like your neighbors!

You followed your heart and did the right thing. Let's hope those cops understood what you meant.

nicholas112481 0

They must hook you up on drugs haha

turboawesome88 0

FYL, you could have scored some sweet drugs off them before they got busted.

TrAnMu 0

What if you called the cops on the "perverts"? That would have been funny.

Trooth 13

Well at least they didn't arrest you

HeyyyBrahhh 0
koolkat27 13

If OP did, it probably would've been in the post.

Can you take us through the process of how you decided they were 'perverts'?

They were probably using binoculars to see into the neighbor's house. That kiiind of makes them look like a pervert.

haha , I always had a thing about if its not directly affecting me. Dont get into it. That coulda been u easily aiding the criminals! Lucky you

That's an attitude of a lot of people sadly. What if they hadn't been cops and instead be kidnappers, robbers, murderers, ect? He did the right thing, the cops should be able to understand.