By meowymomma - 25/06/2016 19:21 - United States

Today, I caught my soon to be husband screwing our wedding planner. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 667
You deserved it 1 453

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well, at least you found out before the wedding. Divorces are expensive..

In return screw her career and his properties, so sorry op


RedCronos 17

At least you didn't marry him yet

Make sure she doesn't get paid. Not even the cancellation fee. Oh, and: name and shame, all over the web. Make sure she doesn't get any more gigs.

Oh I'm so sorry sweetheart :( I hope he is part of your past now; no looking forward with a jerk like him...

He should have told you way earlier in your relationship that he wants to have sex with other people. Then you could have made an informed decision about whether you want to build a life with him or not. Why did he even decide to marry you if he didn't feel the trust to talk openly with you about his needs?

Any woman that allows their significant other to have sex with other people has no self respect.

Dude, if every cheater was like "Hey, I'm gonna cheat at some point in this relationship," there would probably be a lot less heartache in the world. It doesn't happen that way. Some people are dishonest and cowardly (believe it or not). Also no one can tell the future.

17: It's not my thing personally, but there are women, and men, who are completely fine with open relationships. It doesn't mean they lack self respect. That's just what works for them and as long as it's mutual, and all parties are aware, then it should be fine for them.

That is not true, self respect means knowing you're valuable as a person and being confident in yourself, which has no relation to weather a woman, or man, willfully decides that they're ok with a more open relationship. In fact, self-respect would be doing whatever makes you happy, which would include letting your you and your partner freely do what they want, as long as that is what both of you wish. There are polyamorous relationships which can work well for everyone involved. Key feature with this though is it's an open discussion, everyone is aware and agrees to it and is happy with the situation.

That is horribly close minded and insulting to polyamorous people like me. I love my life mate and would protect her with my life without hesitation, and she mine. We have never and would never betray each other, and you have no right to insult us for our lifestyle that harms no one.

yeah a person with an informed and progressive view on adult relationships :D

ironik69 31

I take it he is not Matthew McConaughey?

Definitely inform her superior. If shes self-employed, you give her every single negative review possible. I sincerely hope you do not stay with your fiance. Do not think that attitude will change. It takes two to tango, and the business that woman's in, she deserves every business-ruining thing coming her way. I hope you are well, and I'm glad you didn't have to tie the knot to find out who he really is.

I'm so sorry OP! It's terrible that you had to go this far into the relationship to find out who he really was. I hope you're able to get any deposits back!

I'm sorry OP. The thing I can never understand about these situations is the other person can't just say no? Regardless of who was propositioning who, you couldn't say, "I'm sorry, this isn't okay?" Doesn't make sense to me.

at least your wedding planner is on top of things! badam tsss! but in all serious yea fyl.