Double crossed

By ??? - 19/07/2020 05:01

Today, I found out the best man at my wedding was banging my wife after years of being married. My best man was my brother. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 439
You deserved it 167

Same thing different taste

Top comments

There's so much wrong with me, I can't even get started, but that's not the point. If you're taking my jokes seriously, the fault is yours. Can you not recognize obvious farce and absurdity?

DukavichIsADick 3

I believe he meant his brother WAS his best man. He’s not STILL the best man after years. It’s not a title you keep forever 😂


Why shouldn't she **** him? Even you appointed him as Best Man. Why should she settle for crap when she has a chance with the Best Man. And by the way, did you kill him? Unless he's dead, he's still your brother.

DukavichIsADick 3

I believe he meant his brother WAS his best man. He’s not STILL the best man after years. It’s not a title you keep forever 😂

I've seen you about. What's wrong with you, mate?! ****.

There's so much wrong with me, I can't even get started, but that's not the point. If you're taking my jokes seriously, the fault is yours. Can you not recognize obvious farce and absurdity?

monstrousella 4

You always comment something under a post. 9/10 times it's not funny. You try too hard.

keepin the family?? 🤷🏾‍♂️

What you need is a good lawyer. And a judge that will look the other way when you repeatedly kick your brother in the nuts, and who will give you a minimum of 85% of your soon-to-be ex-wife's future earnings, plus all of whatever she currently owns. Anything worthless can be burned. On the front lawn of wherever she ends up moving.

So you’re divorced and an only child/have one less brother now, I’m sorry for your loss.