By Anonymous - 23/10/2009 05:22 - United States

Today, I carved a pumpkin for Halloween. I thought it would be cool to carve my name, and have it shine through onto the wall behind it. I figured that if I carved my name backwards then it would show up correct on the wall. My name's Lana and now my wall says Anal. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 493
You deserved it 49 708

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That doesn't make sense... it should be right if you did it backwards properly.

perdix 29

Why is this post by Anonymous when you say your name is Lana? Don't think of the pumpkin as a mistake, but as an epiphany. 1. Put it in your window. 2. See who shows up. 3. Learn to love it up the poop chute.


That doesn't make sense... it should be right if you did it backwards properly.

thats the whole point, she didnt carve it backwards! lol thats funny thu

inconvienentgurl 0 now you know what not to do on the next one oh well if ur into it invite your sweetie over n show him ;)

letitbe56 0

Well, she did carve it backwards, but not properly. I'm assuming that instead of carving her name as it would have looked in a mirror, she left the letters in the same place, just flipped around, i.e., she turned individual letters backwards, but not the whole word. I'm not sure why she thought capitalizing the A would make the L come out capital, though...

I think she wrote the whole name in capitals. Seems easier to carve, Anyway, it's all silly. If you were trying something why not practise first? Sounds to me like you just jumped straight in without any real foresight.

I doubt anyone will associate anal with lana. And you can just pass it off as a joke. Or people will just assume you're retarded.

I think she meant to say that her pumpkin says 'anal' now, rather than the wall.

if it was in all caps....logic fail FAIL

If the pumpkin said anal, then she would have done it right, as long as the letters were flipped. She probably wrote LANA on the pumpkin and turned the letters around.

hooligyn123 18

Except unless her wall is a mirror it would not show up correctly. If you carve a pumpkin and look at the light on the wall behind it it is not flipped.

Oooh, bet you never realised this before. Just make a new pumpkin? You have...8 days before Halloween

gabybilyk 5

Halloween has been over for a while now or from what my country knows of

sbcpunkrocker 0

Pumpkins are known for their mirror properties.


Indeed, I have no idea why this didn't work. She must have done something wrong.

Because it is a projection of the lettering, not a transposition. ------ ANAL |/ anal (||||||) rather than ------------- LANA |/ anal

I love the illustration so much! XD Also, perdix's comment FTW.

you're wrong man... The projection source is from the inside of the pumpkin. Thus, the image being projected is the image as seen from the INSIDE not the OUTSIDE of the pumpkin. I think the bigger issue here is how in the world it said "Anal" with a capital "A".

#20 is right. This can't be true, unless it's worded wrongly. =/

Or the girl is majorly retarded and instead of writing her name backwards, she just thought she had to capitalize the last letter instead of the first... aka: "lanA" But that's not *backwards*, kids. STAY IN SCHOOL

letitbe56 0

It could be true if she decided it was enough to turn the letters around, but not the whole word. The capital A still doesn't make sense in that scenario, because even then the wall should say "anaL"...unless she's THAT dumb (which, let's face it, she might just be).

Did anyone think that maybe she had all the letters as capitals? Makes more sense.

if you type it in all caps, the L would be backwards

I can't believe you guys are this stupid.Like really??? She probably just made the FML say it. DUMBASSES

whatsisface 0

For the last time, ISN"T IT OBVIOUS??? She did her name in ALL CAPS! LANA becomes ANAL, she was never trying to say that Lana became Anal!

It's because this whole story is bull crap... I'm calling that the person made it up. They thought about "anal" and then made a story about it...

perdix 29

Why is this post by Anonymous when you say your name is Lana? Don't think of the pumpkin as a mistake, but as an epiphany. 1. Put it in your window. 2. See who shows up. 3. Learn to love it up the poop chute.

aero_fml 0

But if it was in her window then you'd really only see "LANA". It would have to be outside of her window projected onto a shade/blind in her window =)

perdix 29

If she wants it badly enough up the Hershey Highway, I'm sure she'll figure it out.

amazingkate 0

i hope this turns into some sort of urban slang thing where if you see a pumpkin in a chick's room, you know what she's into.

perdix 29

I'd think it might indicates that she gives blumpkins.

greenltrn2003 0

lmfao @ #83 im pretty sure that would save a bunch of akward moments like when the neighbors hear that unavoidable "YOU WANT TO STICK WHAT UP MY WHERE?!"

xenomorph 0

Be anal about it. Don't yield.

Antivirus_fml 0

ANAL ANAL ANAL!!! YEah YEah I loveeeeeeeeeeeeee aNal!!!

Wow, so many people with a name that rearranges to Anal. Lana, Alan... I think I know what the previous generation was into. I guess without birth control, it's one of few options.

Nala... like The Lion King. I bet she and Simba did it all the time.

greenltrn2003 0

^dude...they did it till simbas flesh was bruised "Cuz in the jungle, the mighty jungle the liiiions sleeeeps toniiight...(awheeeeeeee awhee umbumbawhey)"

So? Buy a new pumpkin. They're not that expensive. Quit being so anal about it. If this is an FML, then I'm a monkey's uncle.