By diorlove - 21/01/2010 22:17 - France

Today, I broke my wrist because a Nutella glass fell on it after I opened the cupboard. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 547
You deserved it 4 926

Same thing different taste

Top comments

wexou3 3

well, either you have very very fragile bones... or it was a monstrous Nutella glass :-)

That's one heavy nutella glass. I need to get me one of those.


yourlifesfucked 0

nutella is this awesome chocolate spread. it's like eating a half melted hershey bar. yummmm

eat it with strawberries. like fondue. :D

Hersheys is a disgrace to the chocolate of the world, it is the possibly worst quality chocolate. of all the things America has botched up or ruined why chocolate!?

emmmilyyy 0

is your skeleton comprised of toothpicks???

why are ppl saying "ydi for eating nuttella" nutella is fuckign amazing. and WOW, THATS ONE HELL OF A NUTELLA JAR ROFL! and they make it in glass containers? mine is and always has been plastic?

Just plastic where I live. Only place I've ever seen glass jars was in France.

JoeNormal 0

@turdburgers umm the OP is from France... so yeah

... The OP isn't from France. It says that location when a story is submitted with a mobile phone, or or some other reason they can't get the IP.

that's right- i'm not from france but from germany (where nutella is originally made) so I think i might be the only person here to rightfully confirm that nutella IS sold in glass jars!

That sucks. You broke your wrist and you wasted a jar of Nutella. Thank god it wasn't the Goobers.

perdix 29

You've got Nutella, which is awesome (unless you are on a diet, in which case it is Kryptonite to even the most dedicated dieter!) and one good hand, so what's the problem?

bob_marley_lover 0

Right as I read this, I was eating Nutella.

Never heard of Nutella either, but referring to previous comments its chocolate spread,..ick. Chocolate is so gross!

But what IS it? :O Since it starts with "nut", I'm assuming genitalia. You were sucking dick and replying to my FML comment? Awesome! Seriously, though, what is Nutella, and what is so horrible/great about it?

cometstarg 0

nutella isn't chocolate, its a hazlenut spread. Doesn't sound that good, but I had it while in Germany and it tastes great on bread, especially whole wheay which shocked me cuz I hate whole wheat. I think they have it here in the states too although i've never bought it here.

Its actually a chocolate hazelnut spread. Its like spreading a ferrero rocher on your toast. *amazing*

There is actually nutella that's chocolate hazelnut... it's delicious. I have some downstairs. If I hadn't brushed my teeth I would go have some...

Oh wow, someone else posted a MINUTE before mine, haha... I think the original is just hazelnut, but there's also the chocolate. Although I could be wrong.

spas ever hear of just go eat it and brush again? xD

Ferrero Rocher on toast? :O That sounds like a weird combination, but pretty awesome nonetheless. I'll see if I can find some. :P And get really fat on it.

here in California we have plastic jars of that crap.y family loves the stuff. but I do t. fyl though for having weak bones. you should have listened to those got milk commercials when you were little

Does. This. Add. Emphasis. To.. Wat. IM. SAYING........ ?????

SumKid_fml 0

Yea, its here. I've bought it before and I live in Georgia. Anyway, OP has some pretty fragile bones, because how would it break your wrist unless it was really high up? Even if its glass...