By diorlove - 21/01/2010 22:17 - France

Today, I broke my wrist because a Nutella glass fell on it after I opened the cupboard. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 546
You deserved it 4 926

Same thing different taste

Top comments

wexou3 3

well, either you have very very fragile bones... or it was a monstrous Nutella glass :-)

That's one heavy nutella glass. I need to get me one of those.


Surely even you guys in the States know what jelly glasses are and could make the connection? Or maybe your grandmothers didn't save the jars from jelly and use them for orange juice like mine did, or maybe I'm just too old. Anyway, there's a whole section on Wikipedia just on containers for Nutella: Although Nutella is marketed in a variety of packages, its typical containers have always been made of glass (though plastic containers are more common in the USA, Canada, and Mexico). Initially, the most popular glass containers were quite small, the size of a standard water glass; they could be used as normal table glasses once the product had been consumed.

KurouTenshi 0

apparently, people have mixed feelings about nutella, and in this case vice versa: it must've not liked you very much. FYL and hope your wrist gets better hun :)

Maybe the OP got one of those 10 kg. ones the size of a dog IN HEIGHT. Those things could break a thigh.

charmedheksie 0

Nutella gets sold in most countries in a glass, not plastic. So ouch

But what is this FML doing in LOVE ? were u in love with Nutella glass? :D

InnuendoQueen 0

It was in Love because now (If it's a he) he can't do the nasty o.o

i'm a she, not FAT but i still love nutella :)

pwincessa23 1

Jerk! I hope u apologized to the delicious, chocolaty, nutty, wonderfully awesome Nutella....

fishyfingaz 0

aaaw thats harsh! i can imagine how it felt X-o

kachaa 0

and of course the best thing to do for a broken wrist is immediately go and type on the keyboard to post it on the internet...

exactly! because i have nothing better to do (like go to a hospital to get my wrist fixed) i decide to spend my time on fml :-)