By diorlove - 21/01/2010 22:17 - France

Today, I broke my wrist because a Nutella glass fell on it after I opened the cupboard. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 546
You deserved it 4 926

Same thing different taste

Top comments

wexou3 3

well, either you have very very fragile bones... or it was a monstrous Nutella glass :-)

That's one heavy nutella glass. I need to get me one of those.


@98 In Britain Nutella glasses are made out of glass.

YDI for not having enough calcium in your diet

...hmm.. you know that the laws of physics (which explains why the glass broke my wrist) is not everyone's strength? ;-) oh and just btw. calcium affects your bone structure, the wrist although is a JOINT and not a bone! therefore, calcium has no affect whatsoever on it! seems like bio isn't really your cup of tea either? ;-) greetings from germany

spartan_girl 0

whitecitrus- you can't actually break your wrist joint...when someone says he/she broke his wrist, what it really means is he broke one of the many bones in the area of the calcium COULD have an effect. (although, a heavy enough jar could break a small bone no matter how much calcium, etc. one consumes) does the OP deserve it for "not having enough calcium", well no, because that was probably not a contributing factor. but really, making fun of someone for not knowing bio while thinking you can actually "break" a joint is a little silly

jessica13190 0

oh my gosh..i love Nutella! that is probaby the coolest way to break your wrist =)

NoNameGer 0

well in Germany the jar is just out of glas,never seen a plastic one

You must have a slow reaction time and brittle bones.

KishiSenmatsu 0

D= when did Nutella get violent?

paladininwaiting 1

whitecitrus....ur not the only one.... been living here for12 years.... only saw plastic nutella containers in the States... believe my fellow Ami's ..... nutella is quite tasty..mmmmmmmmm

KaitlinCuteFace 0

haha, I bet it sucks when people ask you what happened. If I were you I'd make something up..