By loser - 10/12/2018 14:00

Today I bought the Gold edition to a game for $90. I expected to be very good only to realize it was the same as the previous installment. I went to check the refund policy and it said that I had to have played less than 2 hours, I had 121 minutes. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 545
You deserved it 1 011

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's the Steam policy. They do accept refunds that only barely break their rules. You just have to submit it.

try and return it anyway. it was the wrong product. they might understand


try and return it anyway. it was the wrong product. they might understand

That's the Steam policy. They do accept refunds that only barely break their rules. You just have to submit it.

Gold editions aren't ever about extra game content. What I mean by this is that they normally include ingame items and bonuses-even sometimes merch. But the special edition doesn't mean that there's extra content. They might include a pass to extra DLCs though but the details would be included.

It took you two hours and one minute to realize you were just playing the Plastic Edition marketed as Gold? Sounds like game publisher is good at mining gold from gullible, unobservant boobs like you.

chai tea 6

Why you gotta be so rude? Don't you know he's a human too?

tounces7 27
CurmudgeonCrunch 7

Put in for the refund. They will stretch the rules. Especially for only 1 minute.

If you're talking about Steam, then try and get a refund anyway. Their policy is flexible and I'm sure they'll give you a pass for one minute.

Phil 14

Do all of you who said 'steam' policy, mean stem policy? I must admit that I know next to nothing about video game terminology.

julfunky 29

No, Steam. That is a computer-based game distributing company.

was thinking either an EA game or WWE 2k19 which from what i've heard is identical to last years aside from one small part

Kids these days don't read when clicking "Buy". Gold and Platinum editions of games are discounted editions. Not editions with more content or DLC's. Go google it next time before wasting money and then moaning about it like a little n00b

Other "versions" of a game have never been different enough to qualify as a new game. I'm hoping that you're either very young or brand new to gaming.