By EvilMother - 14/09/2012 00:57 - United States - Hinsdale

Today, after having a long talk with my mother about LGBT rights, she told me that she was totally open. I felt completely relieved, being gay myself. Seconds later, she said, "But not for you. I want you to find me a nice girl that can give me lots of grandkids." FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 054
You deserved it 5 238

Same thing different taste

Top comments

She can't control your adult life. OP, go find a nice guy and maybe adopt kids?

Don't be afraid to let her know that's not going to happen. She's your mother, so all she really wants is for you to be happy, and if you could convince her to be open with gays, than you could convince her to be open with adopted grandchildren as well.


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How would sponsoring a kid in Africa be the same as having a grandchild? Please, enlighten me.

I guess I'm not the only one who doesn't see the connection.

johnnyrogers97 9

Nigga you just went full retard. Never go full retard.

BeforeItWasCool 12

How exactly is that the same thing? Some people are so ignorant.

My grandmom faithfully sent me $.25 a day while I played in dirty rivers looked for food, all while some weird white guy talked about and my family I. Doesn't everyone's grandmother do that? No? Oh wait.....

102, I have no idea what you're trying to say

It's quite ignorant for somebody to think a person telling her to sponsor a kid in Africa is being serious.

To be honest I don't think we should be giving this guy so much crap.... This is an honest and respectful thing to do if you can do it

JocelynKaulitz 28

OP, I'm sure that'll be easy. There are many girls you can find that can give her lots of grandchildren. She didn't technically say you had to sleep with them.

She can't control your adult life. OP, go find a nice guy and maybe adopt kids?

afallingstar 22

Surrogate? You usually use a surrogate mother when you've already got your own egg and sperm but the female can't carry. Pretty sure.

I have known gay men to do it too. To make a baby, you need three things: a womb, a egg, and sperm. All three can be purchased or rented. I wish you the best of luck op!

Don't be afraid to let her know that's not going to happen. She's your mother, so all she really wants is for you to be happy, and if you could convince her to be open with gays, than you could convince her to be open with adopted grandchildren as well.

That is, of course, only if YOU want to adopt. Your mom should be understanding that you need to make your own life decitions based on what you want, not what she wants :) and don't feel bad for doing so.

OhDearBetrayal 25

There is a such thing as a surrogate mother. He could find a nice guy and then they could find a woman willing to give birth to their own kid.

Yes, there are plenty of different options. Adoption is just the most obvious, that's why I mentioned that one.

If she's "totally open" then she should have no problem with you being gay. She can still have grand kids, they just won't be biological. She can get over it. It's your life, so live it how you want to.

Airman1988 9

It could be biological if he found a woman to carry his baby that he raises with his significant other its not unheard of

Exactly. Perhaps when the time is right either find a surrogate or find a nice lesbian couple to split the costs of IVF with

skyeyez9 24

Personally, if a male gay couple asked me to be a surrogate and give them the baby....then ask if I will foot half the bill on top of giving them the baby, I'd say NO.

It kind of sounds like OP's an only child and a teenager or something. So maybe the mother isn't that old therefore she can make more babies herself! That way she could have biological grand children. It's win-win I guess.

Parents should always be respectful of their children's sexuality, you don't choose being gay.

"I didn't choose the gay life, the gay life chose me"

#7 is there any factual evidence towards that statement you just made?

107, did you choose what you are attracted to?

Edit: sorry, now no one can see who I'm talking to.

Lol I got moderated for asking a honest question, you mods are sure something

jaredofmo 22

119, it is no one's fault that someone's gay. Just about the only hard part of my coming out was convincing my parents "You didn't mess up." Sure, it has been suggested that some men are gay due to the mother's uterus attempting to feminize the fetus, but there's a difference between what someone's body does and what THEY do.

Seriously? And be unhappy for the rest of his life being forced to be with someone he wasn't attracted to? What if your mother really wanted you to be gay? Would you take your own advice and just find a man to be with?

#10 Excuse me? I'm supporting OP in being gay. I'm not quite sure what you're rambling on about.

I'm sorry, the mods removed the post that I was replying to, so it ended up under yours. I agree with what you said.

sad thing is, my friend's mom just had this conversation with him the other day. I told him to post this. oh well. sorry dude.

Shadow_Phantom 26

Hopefully she leaves you alone after you move out, eventually...

Oddire 13

Might as well tell her your gay. She already set expectations that you obviously wont be able to meet. Hopefully she is accepting of you.

Why is 31 getting thumbed down? S/he is right.

Because people commenting to correct minor grammar all day is boring. The rest of the reply was just fine. Auto correct happens to everyone. Let's not nitpick.