By Anonymous - 06/08/2009 00:47 - United States

Today, I borrowed my dad's laptop to type an essay. While I was saving it, I noticed some curious looking files and I opened them. They were rejection letters from all the colleges I had applied to. My dad had been forging them so he wouldn't have to pay for my tuition bills. FML
I agree, your life sucks 81 646
You deserved it 3 488

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Imawhalerider 0

Asshole, he should of told you he couldn't afford them so you had time to get a job and to apply for some scholarships. Sorry that your dad is a coward and a selfish bastard (assuming he didn't just lost his job) but then he wouldn't have enough time to forge them. pre-meditated bastardness.

dick move! does he not want you to go to school and be successful?


megamango 0
Swimmergrl9244 1

Unfortunately, you need a co-signer for loans so it's not as simple as just getting some student loans. You might be able to file as an independent but you'd need to be making income and be at least 18. That is some seriously ****** up shit. Tell your mom or a relative about it.

ozymandias_fml 0

You do *not* need a co-signer. At least, not always.

Actually, #101, to cover the full cost of education, YES, you DO need a cosigner. Federal loans only cover 5k of the 15-20k it costs to attend a state school (per year). Do you even live in the United States? WTF?

CaptainBaconMan 0

He shouldn't have to be paying your tuition.

dramakat11 0

I beg to differ. If you decide to procreate in this day and age when the vast majority of people who do not attend college are pretty ****** in terms of finding a decent job you DO have a responsibility to save and help pay for your child's tuition or AT LEAST co-sign on a student loan for them. Why would you bring a child into this world just to **** them over? People should only have children when they are ready in all respects, including financially, to provide a good life for their children. FYL OP. That's REALLY ****** up.

ozymandias_fml 0

Dramakat, drop the drama. You act like it is impossible, or even *hard* to go to college without parental assistance. I took a double major and paid for it myself, and am working on my masters, and got my employer to pay for it. Take out a few loans, and get a job, and it is not that hard. Just don't take out *private* loans -- the federal ones are a much better deal and easier to get.

Daelda 6

Your father is a jerk! He should have at least sat down and talked with you about how you were going to be paying for school and at least given you the option to find other ways to pay for it, rather than assume that he was going to be stuck with the bill. Also, If your father sent these "rejection letters" through the mail, he is in violation of various federal postal laws. If this were my father, I would move out, never trust him/speak to him again and would look into whether he is guilty of any postal crimes.

Wow, that's so "A Cinderella Story". Your father's a douche...

omg that's really mean...and yes, straight out of "a cinderella story". its understandable that he wouldnt want to pay tuition to expensive colleges, but he didnt have to fake rejection letters..he could've just told you :( that sucks, fyl.

shadowoftheday_fml 0

What a bastard. Thats like another one on here a while ago, some girl's brother kept her acceptance letters and wrote rejections as a joke and didn't tell her until it was too late to say yes to the school.