By Anonymous - 06/08/2009 00:47 - United States

Today, I borrowed my dad's laptop to type an essay. While I was saving it, I noticed some curious looking files and I opened them. They were rejection letters from all the colleges I had applied to. My dad had been forging them so he wouldn't have to pay for my tuition bills. FML
I agree, your life sucks 81 646
You deserved it 3 488

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Imawhalerider 0

Asshole, he should of told you he couldn't afford them so you had time to get a job and to apply for some scholarships. Sorry that your dad is a coward and a selfish bastard (assuming he didn't just lost his job) but then he wouldn't have enough time to forge them. pre-meditated bastardness.

dick move! does he not want you to go to school and be successful?


I don't even know what to say. FYL indeed.

chowyuk 0

ya fyl that is pretty bad. I wanna know what these files were doing to be suspicious? did they only appear late hours of the night? were they wearing baggy clothing?

widad_xoxo 0

Wow what a dad FYL. I'm sorry

Wow, I can honestly say that if this is true, your father is one of the biggest douchebags to ever exist. Not only has he managed to **** over your education, he has ****** over you life - unless, hopefully you still have time to try applying to the schools and/or finding out if any had accepted you and get everything figured out before its too late to register for classes? Seriously....once you are independent and not living with him, don't help him with shit.

I can understand your dad not wanting to pay for college because it's expensive, but to forge rejection letters? That's so messed up. He should have told you before you even started applying that you'd have to get student loans and a job. That's what my parents did. I can't believe he'd ruin your future like that. Call the schools right away. Hopefully one will understand. I'm really sorry about that.

WOW thats so messed up, when it comes time for him to go in a nursing home, just pick one off craigslist

No offense but your dad is stupid. I would have shouted at him =/.

Fake. what about the college letterhead on the letters?

_cheeseballs 0

You can easily copy and paste a college logo from their website, if thats what you're hinting at.

#54, you clearly never heard of the meaning of the word "forge".