By gassy - 29/12/2012 09:32 - United States - Kirkland

Today, I auditioned for a role in ballet. My stomach was in pain and as I ran to be lifted into the air by my partner, I let out a huge fart. The auditorium was dead silent. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 487
You deserved it 4 633

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Someone should have lit the fart - a ballerina gliding through the air with a fire trail coming out of her arse would be a magnificent sight to behold.

Well at least you were able to continue without pain afterwards?


2RaRa25 6

Left that audtion with a bang, didn't we, OP? I'm betting you left a GAS-tly impression!

So did you get the role then, or were they put off by the fart?

Great! Now the Family Guy Fart Song is stuck in my mind!

Why would there be particles? Unless this is a pornographic ballet, in which case I need to know where to get tickets. Imagine the pamphlet.... Part II: Lé suite du boobé

Perhaps they weren't familiar with your level of expertise. you were merely trying to passe de poisson.

Blame it on the tuba section. that's what I do.

Of course depending on the timber of your toot you may have to spread the blame around the horn section.

zombieslayer83 19

Don't you mean silent but deadly!