By hc11bmd - 19/06/2012 17:20 - United States - Bethel

Today, I asked a coworker what she'd bought her dad for father's day. She said that she got him some flowers, and I laughed because I thought it was a rather feminine gift for a man. I later found out that the flowers were for his grave. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 473
You deserved it 55 147

Same thing different taste

Top comments

GuyWithThePants 7

Maybe that'll teach you to be so judgmental

B3Y0ND 3

You couldn't have possibly known about her dead father, but you still should have been more sensitive about her gift choice. No need to be rude about it.


Terminator0308 0

It may not be my dad but I leave flowers next to my grandfathers urn because he was more of a father than my dad ever was.

Rocky007 15

But you were right. He had no use for the flowers.

YDI for being ignorant enough to assume that everyone's father is still alive and in their life, let alone being enough of an ass to laugh at what someones gift choice.

I don't know about you, but I tend not to bring up deceased parents in casual conversations. Eg, if someone at a coffee shop asked how I was, I'd say fine, not 'I'm a bit depressed because my mother just passed away'.

Hey! Don't be a hater, man those ***** smell good!

mookiereyes 7