By prettybich - 15/05/2010 18:01 - United States

Today, I'm severely hungover. Upon returning home, I came to find that both of the elevators were out of order. I live on the 12th floor. FML
I agree, your life sucks 17 215
You deserved it 36 421

Same thing different taste


yeahreally 6

ugh that completely sucks! Lol just make sure you dont pass out

lickmyjock 0

op crying like a bitch need to get him a box of tissues and midol

tnfan5594 0

Stop whining and this is not an FML

holy shit jock when did you put a picture of yourself up??? it's almost as strange as not seeing ajjas anime display is.

lickmyjock 0

like what you see do you? I know. get in line! 

TrillionHearts 0
fishboy123 7

hope u fall. #11 ur a noob for saying noon