By preggers with probs - 03/09/2018 14:30

Today, I am 10 weeks pregnant and my husband says he needs time for himself. This apparently means he will be romancing and sleeping with other women so he can "relax". FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 571
You deserved it 267

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sounds like it’s time to find yourself a new, improved one

_Hakuna_Matata_ 12

Do people change this much after marriage? I mean, what kind of a douche do you have to be to leave your 10 months pregnant wife to get his dick wet 😑


Sounds like it’s time to find yourself a new, improved one

_Hakuna_Matata_ 12

Do people change this much after marriage? I mean, what kind of a douche do you have to be to leave your 10 months pregnant wife to get his dick wet 😑

slkeithh 14

No. They are the same. It's the wrong kind of people choosing to get married for the wrong reasons. I can't imagine this is a sudden huge red flag for OP.

ScarletteEve 33

10 weeks, if you're pregnant for 10 months, you've got a problem.

_Hakuna_Matata_ 12
awildwhisper 30

Oh wow! No one should have to go through that. I wish you the best with your child and I hope you have support from your family and friends.

Be patient. Eventually, he’ll get those other women pregnant and you’ll have your kid, so he’ll need to “relax” with you. All’s well that ends well.

at that point i would tell him piece out!! no matter how pregnant i was. that is super disrespectful!!!!!

Well, you can kick back and “relax” while collecting alimony and child support...😈

Emma Marshall 19

Up the child support payments

Justin Allan Bannister 9

maybe you're just assuming things? But then again I don't know you. but I'm just saying maybe you're overthinking things

How can a person overthink their partner and father of their unborn child claiming he needs to be allowed to have affairs so he can relax? Even if I'm UNDERthinking this, it's horrible.

Justin Allan Bannister 9

it doesn't say that he's cheating...... sounds like shes assuming it. if she has proof can him, if not, maybe hes needing a lil time to think, men are screwed regardless, I've told my girl I needed time to think, I want cheating, I was thinking shit out. the stepping stone in a relationship is trust...... follow up OP..... be cool

There's a special hell for men who get their women pregnant and then have the guts to complain about how it's stressful for THEM (or better yet, how they "can't handle the physical changes" bc God forbid stretch marks and a few extra pounds).

Justin Allan Bannister 9

always good to have a little time to oneself, if hes cheating, toss his ass out, if hes not, then wow.... calm yourself feminazi

If he's not already cheating than he's still convinced he 'deserves' sleeping around because his wife's pregnancy is stressful TO HIM lmao. Fine, once she has the baby and recovery period is over, put it in his arms and tell him it's his responsibility now while she goes out and relaxes with some fit young guys, it's only fair after she had to hear his complaining for months. This is just gross behavior towards your partner who you are in a committed relationship with. And call me a feminazi all you want, but there's few things that enrage me more than this BS of abandoning women in the very time they'd actually need support from their partners. Because they are pregnant, and while they make it through alienating physical changes, hormone fluctuations, nausea, migraines, have their organs squished together only in order to create a new life with their partner, all they get is "gross, fat, stretch marks, uhh so annoying, my grandma birthed twenty kids standing up (your grandma also lost twenty kids due to no medical assistance btw)". So miss me with this condescending crap of "maybe he hasn't actually put his d*ck in some other person so far" as if that's the point.