By funfettifirework - 18/08/2016 05:08 - Philippines - Quezon City

Today, I almost got our office burned down by plugging the wrong charger into a laptop cooling fan. Tried to hide the incident and kept it casual but the smoke detector led it to my area and everyone knew I was the culprit. I'm a new hire too. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 316
You deserved it 3 960

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Owning up to your mistakes makes a better impression than hiding them.

Just admit to your mistake and apologize. Everyone makes mistakes and ones people own up too can be forgiven


Owning up to your mistakes makes a better impression than hiding them.

hellobobismyname 24

So true! When I was at my old job, I hated when new hires tried to hide their mistakes and even try to blame it on someone or something else. People will respect you more if you take responsibility for your actions! Most of the time, people can tell when you're bullshitting or hiding something anyway. You won't actually get away with it, people will just call you an idiot behind your back.

Just admit to your mistake and apologize. Everyone makes mistakes and ones people own up too can be forgiven

Have you ever watched The Office? You might be the new "Fire Guy". RYAN STARTED THE FIRE!

It's not your fault completely. You're new and you're starting to know the place. Best thing to do is admit your mistake and move on.

Like the comments above me, you should've just owned up to it.

Yeah, not a smart move on your part. Should have just owned up to your mistake.

142asdfqq 14

Why aren't there more YDI's on this post?

Because they don't think it's a YDI......just because you do doesn't everyone else does/should.

I agree with you #9. #12 I understand where you're coming from. This would be YLS if it was the simple fact that mistakes happen. However, the YDI comes in when you try to hide your mistakes, especially one that could put yourself and others in danger.

They should train you, since the scenario you describe makes no logical sense.