By ShandiPandiDerp - 20/05/2016 12:12 - United States

Today, my phone charger caught fire. I was thankful to be there to witness it. I was not thankful for having been holding it while this happened, as my shirt caught on fire. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 773
You deserved it 1 124

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I charge my phone next to my bed at night, but it's okay; I don't need to sleep anymore anyway.

How does that apply? There wasn't any pursuit of gains here.


how does that even happen? I hope you're okay OP !

If the wires below plastic are exposed or over usage of a power strip would be my guess

It could be a cheap charger that he bought on eBay

I charge my phone next to my bed at night, but it's okay; I don't need to sleep anymore anyway.

You can't have everything in life. You know what they say, life is a bitch

How does that apply? There wasn't any pursuit of gains here.

Not specifically this FML but can we get the you deserve it button back? I don't like the new weird "this could've happened to me" button.

Sounds like a fun time. Never holding my phone charger even again

It's generally not advised to use your phone while charging anyways. But hope you're ok all the same.

Nyattack 14

Really ? None of my phone's instructions on safety state that, if catching fire is the possible risk of doing it I'd have liked a warning...

I hope this taught you a valuable lesson to not buy generic chargers.

Don't know why this is downvoted. Genuine chargers are constructed so this can't happen, as opposed to the cheap chargers you get from China.

There is a serious difference between 'cheap' chargers and 'generic' chargers. There are plenty of generic chargers which are perfectly fine, as long as you use the right amperage (is that the right word?).

My phone charger used to get super hot while rapid charging. I melted one charger cable that way, and just bought a high grade cable from China that doeant even get warm. May wanna look into it, OP.

My charger cable has the wires exposed underneath the plastic layer. Now all I think about is a fire starting when I sleep with the phone charging