By crookedteeth - 27/08/2009 17:23 - United States

Today, for my birthday, my mom presented me with a $4,000 check to pay for my braces. I've been very self-conscious about my teeth for years. Everyone applauded and told me how happy they were for me. Later, my mom asked me for the check back. Apparently it was just meant to make her look good. FML
I agree, your life sucks 72 312
You deserved it 2 827

Same thing different taste

Top comments

sapphielily 12

what a bitch, who is so self-absorbed that they would crush their kid in order to look good to others. I feel for you.

skiBOAT 0

You should bite her neck off with your snaggletooth(s).


No... NO. Those money were not to make her look good, they are for making YOU look good.

the amount of people that can't spell cheque ...

rocker_chick23 27

In the US it's spelled check. Cheque is how it's spelled in other countries.

kittykat1501 31

Now what you need to do is call everyone up who saw her give you the check and tell them what she did.

bleedingglitter 24

This is some shit my mom would do. She would also probably ask to borrow money at that point too.

Everyone knows how you feel about your teeth, people will see you without braces and you can tell them why

Why not just keep the check? She gave it to you. That means it's yours now. And it's not like she can do anything about it. If she calls the police for you "stealing something" from her, you have a whole room full of witnesses to say otherwise. The worst she can do is get mad at you :/