By James - 05/11/2009 16:38 - United States

Today, before having morning sex, my girlfriend for over a year whispers to me "Do that thing you did at the Halloween party". There was no morning sex as I reminded her that I was sick with the flu then and didn't go with her to the party. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 122
You deserved it 2 820

Same thing different taste

Top comments

No holiday is an excuse to act slutty. Halloween may have the opportunity to dress slutty but it doesn't mean you have to **** everything with legs. I was in a relationship for four halloweens with the same guy and I never ****** anyone but him. Sloppy drunk girls are disgusting

perdix 29

Maybe she wanted you to not be there, like you weren't there at the party. You probably should have guessed *********** and gone for it. After you bust a big, fat nut all over her face, that's when you find out what happened at the party.


getreadysetfml 0

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No holiday is an excuse to act slutty. Halloween may have the opportunity to dress slutty but it doesn't mean you have to **** everything with legs. I was in a relationship for four halloweens with the same guy and I never ****** anyone but him. Sloppy drunk girls are disgusting

hobbsicle805 0

#54- go back to thumping bibles you ignorant twat


You shouldn't be excused for your foul spelling and poor grammar!

ok so if your first, cant u spell?? honestly, are u child or illiterate

caticaticati 3

Are you really telling someone that they can't spell...? LOOK AT YOUR COMMENT.

michael32123 0

@yellowstockings... you fail at life. you insult people about spelling yet you fail to use proper gramar or spell correctly. you sir, have failed

farsidee 0

Excuse me if I'm wrong but he doesn't have to type right because he's not first, according to his comment.

Erindub 0

Oops sounds like you two have some talking to do. You must be furious!

Punkartmama 0
perdix 29

Maybe she wanted you to not be there, like you weren't there at the party. You probably should have guessed *********** and gone for it. After you bust a big, fat nut all over her face, that's when you find out what happened at the party.

Dude I am actually really REALLY curious what happened and how it all ended... any way you can tell us? Pleaaase?

Shouldn't this be a NFL? No ******* in my Life?!??!