By Anonymous - 07/03/2012 06:46 - United States

Today, at work, we had an extremely rude customer who started cussing at us, and my coworker started cussing back. I jumped on the register to quickly bring down the line, and apologized to everyone for the scene. A secret shopper was in the line and claimed that I was rude. I got written up. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 900
You deserved it 2 474

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sinamoi 18
perdix 29

That's why I always carry a little notepad and a pen when I go to a store, look around furtively and mumble into my lapel. They think I'm a secret shopper and treat me like a king.


How was the rude?! FYL OP You sound like an awesome Customer Service rep