By LadyLou - 03/11/2015 11:42 - Australia

Today, at work, a customer told me that my teeth would make a very pretty necklace. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 358
You deserved it 1 982

Same thing different taste

Top comments

And they didn't even mention how good your eyeballs would be in a salad?! What a noob.

amberdea404 28

They may be the secret tooth fairy, watch out.


giantsfan2010 23

I guess that means you have nice teeth?

Maybe it's cause they were so "pearly" white!....get it?..

And they didn't even mention how good your eyeballs would be in a salad?! What a noob.

No, they'd make nice Christmas ornaments obviously.

Eyeballs would make excellent earrings too. They'd really compliment the necklace.

fml's comment section can get pretty scary. these are what nightmares and ogres are made of

Look, #72, if you have any nightmares, make yourself some warm milk in your human-skull-mug. After a few sips, relax as the sound of your bed's heartbeat lulls you to sleep.

I like sneaking up on people in crowds and whispering "I like your skin can I wear it?" Then you fade into the crowds and giggle as they freak out.

I think that would make my day if someone told me that!

I would NEVER smile at him again. This is so creepy.

It kinda bugs me how people are assuming it's a guy.

Most serial killers are men, therefore by probability we can infer that this is also a man

Now that both have been included, yes. I appreciate your effort in satisfying me.

amberdea404 28

They may be the secret tooth fairy, watch out.

Ooh, so that's what the tooth fairy does with all the teeth!

very strange way of complimenting a smile.

You better be careful then. Anyways that's a weird to say to someone.

Clearly your whites must be very pearly.