By SAM - 05/08/2018 09:00 - United States

Today, my dad gave me his old camera. I got home and eagerly turned it on to start using it. I was greeted by a photo of my father drunk, smiling, naked, and covered in peanut butter. FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 227
You deserved it 329

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I’m guessing the photo’s file format was JIF?

Was there a pic of Mom drunk and covered in jelly🤣🤣 nothing better than a PB&J😂


I understand the drunk, naked, smiling part but why the peanut butter?

It's basic decency to use peanut butter in such a situation. Really now, what are you, some kind of animal?

Dad was determined to find out just how much the dog really liked peanut butter.

I’m guessing the photo’s file format was JIF?

_Hakuna_Matata_ 12

Plot twist, His father wanted him to see his wild side.

Was there a pic of Mom drunk and covered in jelly🤣🤣 nothing better than a PB&J😂

blightsight 10

I was so gonna comment that! great minds. great comment

I guess I'm the only one that would have asked my dad about the story. Cause there is an epic story behind that pic.

FishyFishy 12

He wasn't naked.... he has on peanut butter.

Creamy or chunky, that peanut butter had nuts in it