By ILuvYouSoldiers - 26/06/2009 07:57 - United States

Today, at the airport, my mom began talking about how useless the war in Iraq was, and how dumb the soldiers that serve there were for enlisting during the war. The soldier at the vending machine near us caught my eye. I mouthed, "Sorry" and he mouthed, slowly, "You fuckin' better be." FML
I agree, your life sucks 94 469
You deserved it 21 450

Same thing different taste

Top comments

We should ship your mother over to Iraq. God bless our soldiers.

alwaysalady 0

That's awful. I give soldiers hugs and tell them thank you. Your mom needs to learn a little respect.


I like how no one here has mentioned that maybe the soldier was in the wrong? he shouldn't have told the OP that he "******' better be" sorry. that was not necessary and he could have acted better. that being said, the OP's mother should show more consideration for others in public.

lmmmr 0

Lots of people have said that actually. I totally agree.

samtamrox 0

a lot of people have said that, the soldier said something wrong but so did her mother.

Lmao.. your mom is the idiot and that soldier is awesome.

unluckydavid 0

YMDI, Your mom deserved it for not seeing the soldier right there

5150 0

sucks for u, but dont feel bad not ur fault.

beetlebug 0

your mom should be ashamed !!!!! my brother enlisted up almost a year ago and hes being sent our mid august. i dont like the war but i appreciate everyone of the soldiers over their. hey ... come to think of it my brother was flying the other day with my dad..... were you anywear near the grand canyon or a place called logan ? cause they had to catch another flight from their.

lolzforfun228 3

I don't really support the troops considering they were dumb enough to BECOME soldiers.

Baroness542 6

Hold up, you think that people are dumb for joining the service? Do you have any idea how ****** a country would be without a military? Soldiers are out there to protect their country and the people living in it.

ILoveJace01 0

You're a dumbass. Let me just get that out of the way. How dare you call our soldiers "dumb" just because they choose to defend this country. Excuse them for being considerate enough to protect your ungrateful ass. My dad was a marine for 20 years, so I'm very grateful to all of our troops. They aren't being dumb, they're being brave. Maybe you should come out of your cave and get some of that hot air out of your head, so you can realize that. =)

lingfeng 0

I in no way support or agree with the war, and I would personally never join the army, but I support the troops and the people over there, especially since I know people who are in or have been in the military. And to all the people saying that anyone who joins the military is dumb, I'd like to hear you try to say that if we had no military or defense. We'd be pretty ******.

you know something? screw you! if it wasnt for them there would be no USA! they keep us free and allow idiots like you to speak such crap. now go work for the terrorists, will you?

samtamrox 0

you are ignorant. You obviously have no idea what its like. It's there job and they are keeping you alive. But don't worry, they will still fight to keep you safe.

ohxberlin 0

Seriously, your mom is SO ignorant and unthankfull. Everyone may have their opinions on the war, but keep it to yourself, especially in an airport....especially when there are bound to be soldiers in the airport. HOWEVER, I just want to take a quick second to thank everyone who supports the soldiers!! As being one, I am happy to see that some of you go up and hug them, thank them, etc. We REALLY do appreciate it! So thanks everyone :)!!

The person who posted this fails when it comes to writing a sentence. For instance, when he/she said "'Sorry.' and...", either a period was added where it shouldn't be, or the sentence ended after "Sorry" and the poster forgot to capitalize, and remove the "and," which does not belong at the beginning of the sentence. As for the rest of the post, it should have been broken down into two sentences, or something. "My mom and I walked by a solider at a vending machine. His eyes met mine..." If you're too lazy to write that, too bad. As for the fml, your mother was really out of place to say something like that. What she said was rude, ignorant, and inappropriate. You should speak to her about some of the things she said. The soldier at the vending machine should have spoken up and corrected her. Either way, you were right to apologize to him on your mother's behalf. Thanks so much, #84. We needed your service in the military, and here in this forum.

epic_delight1337 0

tell your mom to step in their shoes for a day. what an ignorant bitch. theyre saving her life.