By ILuvYouSoldiers - 26/06/2009 07:57 - United States

Today, at the airport, my mom began talking about how useless the war in Iraq was, and how dumb the soldiers that serve there were for enlisting during the war. The soldier at the vending machine near us caught my eye. I mouthed, "Sorry" and he mouthed, slowly, "You fuckin' better be." FML
I agree, your life sucks 94 469
You deserved it 21 450

Same thing different taste

Top comments

We should ship your mother over to Iraq. God bless our soldiers.

alwaysalady 0

That's awful. I give soldiers hugs and tell them thank you. Your mom needs to learn a little respect.


So your country's involved in a stupid war where heaps of people are dying in another country for next to no reason and you think "you know what? I think I'll sign up for this." No, not stupid at all.

It's not for "next to no reason". We are here so that the people of Iraq may have a democratic government and be in charge of their own lives again; not having to live in fear of corrupt dictators and extremists. And please define "heaps of people", because last time I checked, many more lives were lost in a few days during WWII than here in Iraq. Oh, and FYI, more people die in car accidents each year than in Iraq. So, why don't you stop driving around? You see that statistics and think "Let's go for a drive?" No, not stupid at all.

No offense because I support the troups and all but Iraq was none of our business. It wasn't our job to decide that Iraq's government needed fixing. UrStoopid is right we didn't go to Iraq to protect us we wen't to meddle in what wasn't our business. Afghanistan, now that's where we need to focus our efforts, that's the country that hurt us.

lmmmr 0

Afghanistan didn't hurt us any more than Iraq did. A group of extremists possibly hiding in Afghanistan hurt us. There is a monumental difference. We are in Iraq for oil. Nothing else. There are thousands of countries on the globe with terrible, oppressive governments, none of which the American government gives the slightest **** about, because they have little to no oil to offer. And personally, and I mean no offense by this as it is simply my opinion, I don't feel that blindly following orders and shooting in order to not be shot are actions that merit my respect. You enlisted and are required to do such things. If you do not agree with the war, which I do not, then you are not fighting for what you believe in, but simply because you are told to, and would be in danger if you did not. It takes more than that to earn my respect.

Al Qaeda and Taliban operatives were coming from Iraq to Afghanistan, and from other countries to Iraq. Them being there was our business.

Oh ok #59, next time I feel like getting into a car I'll just go to a warzone instead. Far safer. In any case, I don't drive. Environment and all that.

did she know he was like right theree?

muffinsareyummy 1

love the solider hate the war. your mom's a bitch. bye.

your mom is a ****. fyl totally. the least she doesn't have to like the war in Iraq but the least she can do is show some respect for the men and women who are out there fighting. I was in the military for 6 years and have to deal with people like her all the time, especially on the Internet. people just have no respect that these people are away from their familys for months at a time getting shot at. nothing pisses me off more then those people who protest at soldiers funerals. they gave their lives in defense of our nation show a little respect and pride for your country. people like that really need to not live in America.

greenltrn2003 0

yeahh. I think the internet has de-sensitised all of America

Agreed. It pains me greatly when I see people protesting the Beiruit memorial in North Carolina (some people claiming to be a Baptist Church did it twice) and protesting a funeral. It literally sickens me to know that those are some of the people I have given 90 percent of my rights to defend from all threats.

Let's see now... The soldier at the vending machine near ours eyes met mine. No, that doesn't make much sense either. It was just awkward wording.

Your mom is a bitch. She doesn't have to like the war but she shouldn't bad mouth the troops.

I dnt lke ur mom. I hve 3 very close family members in Iraq nd afganistan rite now. Nd as much as I miss them nd wish they were at hme safe, they r tryin to gve others wat we in America hve! So fyml for saying that and not realizing wat is really goin on or the peoples family here

shakemup 0

I hope your mom gets raped painfully with a metal ***** attached to a car battery.

I agree with everyone who's said you don't need to support the war to support the troops. That aside, your mom's the insensitive moron not you, the soldier was an ass for taking out his anger at your mom's comments on you.

Chocolate_Chunk 2

Because that makes perfect sense. Just like "you don't need to support murder to support the murderers"