By Anonymous - 20/03/2013 02:16 - United States - Charlotte

Today, at a science-fiction convention, a woman came up to me and told me that my white face paint was a mess, my contacts looked cheap, and my costume was an all-round failure. I wasn't wearing a costume, I'm an albino. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 094
You deserved it 3 058

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Did you call her out on being a total ******* asshole?

Damn. Did you tell her off? And tell her you are an albino?


I'm an albino too. So there are at least two of us on FML!

Maybe she is a wizard in the reverse Klan, trying to persecute the extra white.

navalacademy2015 4

Maybe try a Capitalist approach instead of the split-tasks Communist approach.

Lee_Shha 10

That woman is horrible. I mean even if you were in costume, what kind of person would say that to anyone.

Every time I've seen something like this happen, the person who was actually insulted for their physical qualities has been much more attractive than the offender.

wifeydearest 8

You should have punched her in the face. And then screamed: I AM ALBINO! HEAR ME ROAR!!

Forget about it and move on OP, pitch was probably jealous and tried to make herself feel better

That really really sucks. I hope you told her off