By Anonymous - 20/03/2013 02:16 - United States - Charlotte

Today, at a science-fiction convention, a woman came up to me and told me that my white face paint was a mess, my contacts looked cheap, and my costume was an all-round failure. I wasn't wearing a costume, I'm an albino. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 095
You deserved it 3 058

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Did you call her out on being a total ******* asshole?

Damn. Did you tell her off? And tell her you are an albino?


AimeeIsGhost 8

Damn you better have told get off!! U know I sure would. That's bogus on her part.

MorganBrown 8

Well she's not worth anyone's time if she's going to sit there and judge someone she doesn't even know. She's just one of those "assholes" that you're going to run into. We live through them every day and sometimes it sucks complete butt. But at least you're unique and that's all that matters. Just keep your chin up and continue to live life the fullest(: Just because you're albino doesn't mean you're an outcast, I promise.

What an idiot... Did she live her whole life in a cave or what?

Well, her bitch costume was right on point. Sorry that happened to you, OP. There are just some people in the world who feel the need to make everyone else as miserable as they are.

I hope you told her you are albino in real life also I can't stand those people no one has come to my face and told me probably because they're scared I might sit on them since I'm a big girl but I hate people who say things like to fat too short make ups not right or any other thing to hurt people who just wanted to get into the act and have fun I've actually told staff at a con I go to every year that if it weren't for the risk of being banned I would beat the crap out of these kind of people because cons are a place of fun and when you have these people being rude and hurting people its no fun

Drakorex 10
Wizardo 33

Should have done an albino kamehameha to her damn face OP, don't worry next time set your phaser to kill.

Ciara4757 16

I REALLY hope you told her you were actually an albino and made her feel bad. Its not up to strangers to criticise your appearance and most people actually think albinos look really cool. You had every right to make a snide comment back but seeing as your easy-going enough to post it here you probably didnt. If you did I think i speak for most people when I say I wouldn`t respect you any less for retaliating

I would have ripped her a new asshole. I hope you stood up for yourself

perdix 29

You'd probably do better at a clown convention.