By Anonymous - 20/03/2013 02:16 - United States - Charlotte

Today, at a science-fiction convention, a woman came up to me and told me that my white face paint was a mess, my contacts looked cheap, and my costume was an all-round failure. I wasn't wearing a costume, I'm an albino. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 094
You deserved it 3 058

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Did you call her out on being a total ******* asshole?

Damn. Did you tell her off? And tell her you are an albino?


lucyy123 14

That's ****** up. People like that just don't even care. Don't mind them OP

Obey_StudBoii 23

you poor thing! don't let that bitch get you down. and I don't understand how some people voted that you deserved it. smh

monkiki62 5

Albino people are gorgeous! That lady has got some nerve. I hope you told her you were an albino an that she was bitch.

ashleymendoza24 4

I agree with the others,you should have put her in her check with being disrespectful!

This actually has nothing to do with being an albino. The girl is an idiot for criticizing your costume..

She was probably just jelly that she would never be able to pull off the awesome joker you would be able to.

That's horrible, I would have lost my shit with her, did you tell her you are an Albino? I bet she would be humiliated for saying what she said