By anonymous - 11/04/2009 13:23 - United States

Today, as I was walking into CVS, two older men outside said to me "Young lady, please consider us on your way out." Thinking they were hitting on me, I rolled my eyes and said "Screw you." When I walked back outside, I realized they were asking for AIDS donations. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 529
You deserved it 86 226

Same thing different taste

Top comments

SpunkT 0

Wow, way to overreact. One thing this site has taught me is a lot of girls think they're getting hit on when they aren't. ******* get over yourself. You probably aren't that pretty.

collegegirl8 0

YDI, how in the world could you think that they were hitting on you?


#22: you know some people are BORN AIDS positive, right?

BulldogQB4 0

#37 here's the thing, #22 is what we call a dumbfuck, so it doesn't really matter. Present as much fact as you wish proving his or her statement was stupid and false, he/she won't really give a shit. Honestly though hun, get over yourself. Not all guys are dirty, not all men are creepy. Get over yourself you're not that hot that every guy in the world wants you.

MizzHollywood 0

you didn't look to see who they were or something? Either way I don't understand how somebody could think that that was a pickup line?

Okay. Listen, as a girl it is the most annoying thing to have guys hit on you. It's not bc we think we're pretty or not. It happens. I just got hit on in freaking pathmark last night. To the person that said "there probably wasn't a table." Made me rethink that the girl wasn't being a bitch. How would she have known? The guys should've started off with consider the victims of aids...not some sh* like consider us on your way out. What was the girl supposed to consider exactly? I hate people who act like they know what happened exactly.

What kind of old man hits on young girls with his friend outside of a CVS by saying "please consider us on your way out"? What the hell is wrong with you? You're an idiot.