Roommates from Hell

By Snoodist - 06/05/2019 20:00

Today, as usual, I got home to find that my roommate had eaten all my groceries and left a mess behind for me to clean. To be fair, this time she did some cleaning - she "energy cleansed" my room with a sage wand, burning a huge hole in my mattress in the process. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 102
You deserved it 154

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Looks like you need a new roommate that isn't a dirtly freeloading hippy.

You are enabling her If you don't put a stop to it forcefully. Get an icebox with a lock on it if you have to. And set up a cleaning schedule where you track her performance. That will be to your advantage if you have to kick her out before her lease expires.


Looks like you need a new roommate that isn't a dirtly freeloading hippy.

You are enabling her If you don't put a stop to it forcefully. Get an icebox with a lock on it if you have to. And set up a cleaning schedule where you track her performance. That will be to your advantage if you have to kick her out before her lease expires.

That wand must be pretty sage to know the disgusting things you’ve been doing on that mattress! YDI!

zeffra13 31

Why are you cleaning her dirty dishes? Leave them for her to do. Keep your dishes separate from hers so you still have clean ones to use. If you're concerned about the sink getting full from her leaving them, get a plastic tub labeled "dirty/to wash" and have her leave her dishes there until she washes them. If she really won't clean them, say she has to use paper plates or she has to move out, her choice.

Seems like it’s time to slap a bitch.

eat out for a week or two. she'll starve

I got nothing useful to say I'm just pissed off. **** that ******* ******. ****. What a piece of shit.

Sonotsuave 35

Dude, you sound like a bit of a doormat. “As usual?” NO the first time it happened it should’ve been nipped in the bud. You’re paying for the groceries I assume, you’re having to deal with the consequences of her not cleaning, or slacking upon it, and you’re having to have a burned mattress hole. Tell her what’s up very forcefully or get a new roommate.